home > biosample > SAMN00792432
identifier SAMN00792432
type biosample
sra-sample  SRS651137
organism 670888
investigation_type  bacteria_archaea
strain  1827-70
environment (biome)  terrestrial biome [ENVO:00000446]
collection date  1979
environment (feature)  human-associated habitat [ENVO:00009003]
geographic location (country and/or sea,region)  USA: Virginia
geographic location (latitude and longitude)  not determined
environment (material)  not determined
project name  Emerging Diarrheal Pathogens
isolation and growth condition  not determined
number of replicons  not determined
reference for biomaterial  not determined
specific host  Homo sapiens
finishing strategy (depth of coverage)  32x
serotype  O29:H27
host_phenotype  not determined
host_sex  not determined
host_age  not determined
host_disease  not determined
host_body_product  not determined
bioproject  PRJNA40257
sra-run  SRR040453
sra-submission  SRA012575
sra-study  SRP002355
sra-sample  SRS651137
sra-experiment  SRX019562
distribution JSONJSON-LD
biosample_set.xml.gz  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2012-02-27T10:00:44Z
dateModified 2015-05-01T10:59:13Z
datePublished 2012-02-28T13:18:25Z