home > biosample > SAMN01805440
identifier SAMN01805440
type biosample
organism Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus CIG1605
host_sex  male
strain  CIG1605
host  Homo sapiens
env_package  missing
investigation_type  bacteria_archaea
lat_lon  35.9939 N 78.8989 W
geo_loc_name  USA:North Carolina, Durham
isol_growth_condt  not determined
age  58
environment (biome)  terrestrial biome [ENVO:00000446]
collection date  1994-09/2003-10
sample collection device or method  venipuncture
finishing strategy (depth of coverage)  48.34
nucleic acid extraction  Phenol chloroform extraction
project name  Genome analysis of the Staphylococcus aureus complicated infection group
clonal complex  30
phenotype  Missing
environment (feature)  human-associated habitat [ENVO:00009003]
assembly  CA6.1
white blood cell count  6.699999809
ref_biomaterial  PMID: 21541311
hematocrit  26
environment (material)  blood [ENVO:02000020]
sequencing method  454 and Illumina
disease status  infectious endocarditis
num_replicons  not determined
outcome  recurrent
sub_species  aureus
distribution JSONJSON-LD
biosample_set.xml.gz  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2012-11-10T10:36:45Z
dateModified 2021-02-28T02:03:04Z
datePublished 2012-11-14T00:00:00Z