home > biosample > SAMN01818778
identifier SAMN01818778
type biosample
organism 992119
environment (biome)  terrestrial biome [ENVO:00000446]
isol_growth_condt  not determined
specific host  mouse
lat_lon  41.4994 N 81.6956 W
finishing strategy (depth of coverage)  34.95
nucleic acid extraction  Qiagen DNA kit
collection_date  2011-04-28
collection method  gastric biopsy
investigation_type  bacteria_archaea
host taxid  10088
environment (feature)  animal-associated habitat [ENVO:00006776]
assembly  Celera Assembler 6.1
geo_loc_name  USA:Ohio, Cleveland
ref_biomaterial  not determined
environment (material)  mucus [ENVO:02000040]
sequencing method  454 and Illumina
env_package  missing
project name  Comparative Sequence Analysis Of H. Pylori Isolates From Subjects With Distinct Gastric Pathologies
disease status  not determined
num_replicons  not determined
strain  Hp M3
distribution JSONJSON-LD
biosample_set.xml.gz  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2012-11-26T12:49:14Z
dateModified 2021-02-28T02:03:14Z
datePublished 2012-11-26T00:00:00Z