home > sra-sample > DRS021980
identifier DRS021980
type sra-sample
organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
project_name  Genome sequencing of laboratory evolved strains
strain  38-2
sample_title  Genome sequence of a yeast strain isolated at 38 degree Celsius in a stepwise adaptation (named 38-2)
estimated_size  12 Mb
ploidy  1
num_replicons  missing
description  A strain adapted to 38 degree Celsius through stepwise adaptation
env_feature  missing
propagation  asexual
collection_date  2014
isol_growth_condt  24115578
ref_biomaterial  24115578
sample_name  38-2
geo_loc_name  missing
lat_lon  missing
env_material  missing
bioproject_id  PRJDB4375
env_biome  missing
bioproject  PRJDB4375
sra-run  DRR049508
sra-submission  DRA004175
biosample  SAMD00043336
sra-study  DRP002824
sra-experiment  DRX044566
distribution JSONJSON-LD
DRA004175.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2015-11-19T00:50:48+09:00
dateModified 2015-11-25T23:09:00+09:00
datePublished 2015-11-25T23:09:00+09:00