home > sra-sample > DRS029689
identifier DRS029689
type sra-sample
organism Magnaporthe oryzae
project_name  Whole genome resequencing of Magnaporthe oryzae and M. grisea
sample_title  Genome sequencing sample of Magnaporthe oryzae isolate Br58
estimated_size  40.2
ploidy  haploid
biotic_relationship  parasite
num_replicons  1
env_feature  agricultural field
host_spec_range  4498
propagation  asexual
collection_date  1990
isolate  Br58
host  Avena sativa
isol_growth_condt  10511549
sample_name  Magnaporthe oryzae isolate Br58
geo_loc_name  Brazil:Itambe
lat_lon  missing
env_material  organic material
bioproject_id  PRJDB4326
env_biome  temperate grassland biome
bioproject  PRJDB4326
sra-run  DRR059887
sra-submission  DRA004665
biosample  SAMD00051172
sra-study  DRP003117
sra-experiment  DRX054197
distribution JSONJSON-LD
DRA004665.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-04-20T02:19:54+09:00
dateModified 2016-05-17T22:18:28+09:00
datePublished 2016-05-17T22:18:28+09:00