home > sra-sample > DRS033233
identifier DRS033233
type sra-sample
organism mouse gut metagenome
sample_title  fecal metagenome isolated from stressed mouse 3
description  exposed to a subchronic and mild social defeat stress
age  10 weeks
env_feature  feces
host  Mus musculus strain C57BL/6JJmsSlc
sample_name  008_stressed__feces_day0
lat_lon  36.035702 N,140.214615 E
env_biome  murine fecal microbiota
sex  male
project_name  Effect of a subchronic and mild social defeat stress on fecal microbiota
collection_date  2013-10-09
geo_loc_name  Japan: Ibaraki, Ami
env_material  feces
bioproject_id  PRJDB4065
bioproject  PRJDB4065
sra-run  DRR057796
sra-submission  DRA004574
biosample  SAMD00035504
sra-study  DRP003220
sra-experiment  DRX052378
distribution JSONJSON-LD
DRA004574.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2015-07-21T06:34:20+09:00
dateModified 2021-07-07T22:33:40+09:00
datePublished 2021-07-07T22:33:40+09:00