home > sra-sample > DRS071648
identifier DRS071648
type sra-sample
organism marine sediment metagenome
collection_date  2012-03-23
project_name  Analysis of ssDNA and dsDNA viral metagenomic sequences collected from deep-sea sediment
env_material  marine sediment
env_biome  marine mesopelagic zone biome
lat_lon  39.1500 S 142.1300 E
sample_name  N500_5-8cm_SSU rRNA gene taq seq
env_feature  sedimentary stratum
sample_title  Analysis of SSU rRNA gene tag sequences in deep-sea surface sediments
depth  0.05 m
elev  -500 m
geo_loc_name  Japan:off Tohoku, Pacific Ocean
bioproject  PRJDB5947
sra-run  DRR098835
sra-submission  DRA005987
biosample  SAMD00085825
sra-study  DRP004345
sra-experiment  DRX092322
distribution JSONJSON-LD
DRA005987.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2017-07-19T04:16:07+09:00
dateModified 2018-07-24T22:21:43+09:00
datePublished 2018-07-24T22:21:43+09:00