home > sra-sample > DRS073182
identifier DRS073182
type sra-sample
organism human oral metagenome
collection_date  2008
description  before periodontal therapy
project_name  Characterization to microbiome of various oral niches in patients with periodontitis
host_subject_id  YA20583
env_material  saliva
host  Homo sapiens
env_biome  not applicable
lat_lon  35.3 N 133.2 E
sample_name  16S amplicon analysis of oral microbiome of a patient with periodontitis YA20583SL1
env_feature  human oral cavity
sample_title  Oral microbiome of a patient with periodontitis YA20583SL1
geo_loc_name  Japan
bioproject  PRJDB5157
sra-run  DRR069398
sra-submission  DRA005104
biosample  SAMD00060067
sra-study  DRP004390
sra-experiment  DRX063348
distribution JSONJSON-LD
DRA005104.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-09-07T10:19:59+09:00
dateModified 2018-08-08T22:25:27+09:00
datePublished 2018-08-08T22:25:27+09:00