home > sra-sample > DRS074589
identifier DRS074589
type sra-sample
organism Harmonia axyridis
strain  F2_hA
collection_date  not collected
isol_growth_condt  not applicable
env_feature  not applicable
sample_ID  2
description  A 10x genomics Chromium library of F2 hybrid of NT3 and F6 with h[A] genotype
bioproject_id  PRJDB7050
estimated_size  423Mb
project_name  RAD-sequence of Harmonia axyridis genome
sample_title  F2 hybrid of NT3 and F6 with h[A] genotype
genotype  h[A]
ploidy  diploid
population  F2 hybrid of NT3 and F6
propagation  not applicable
env_material  not applicable
num_replicons  not applicable
geo_loc_name  Japan
env_biome  not applicable
lat_lon  not applicable
sample_name  h[A]_F2-hybrid
bioproject  PRJDB7050PRJDB7051
sra-run  DRR140186DRR140386DRR140387DRR140388DRR140389
sra-submission  DRA007002DRA007004
biosample  SAMD00119385
sra-study  DRP004421DRP004429
sra-experiment  DRX132913DRX133113DRX133114DRX133115DRX133116
distribution JSONJSON-LD
DRA007004.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2018-06-05T08:20:42+09:00
dateModified 2018-08-24T23:11:40+09:00
datePublished 2018-08-24T23:11:40+09:00