home > sra-sample > DRS074791
identifier DRS074791
type sra-sample
organism Escherichia coli
strain  HST04
collection_date  not applicable
isol_growth_condt  https://takara.co.kr/file/manual/pdf/9129_e.v0906Da.pdf
ref_biomaterial  https://takara.co.kr/file/manual/pdf/9129_e.v0906Da.pdf
env_feature  not applicable
description  Sequence of EMGBD2_08790 methyltransferase gene was retrieved from BD2 genome (SAMD00117332) that reconstructed from metagenomic sequencing data biwa_65m (SAMD00109391). The gene was artificially synthesized, transformed to Escherichia coli HST04 dam-/dcm-, and expressed for DNA methylation analysis.
bioproject_id  PRJDB6656
project_name  Culture-independent metagenomic and metaepigenomic analysis of prokaryotes in Lake Biwa, Japan
sample_title  E.coli genome sequence transfected with EMGBD2_08790 methyltransferase gene
env_material  not applicable
num_replicons  1
geo_loc_name  not applicable
env_biome  not applicable
lat_lon  not applicable
biomaterial_provider  TAKARA BIO INC
sample_name  EMGBD2_08790
bioproject  PRJDB6656
sra-run  DRR140533DRR140534
sra-submission  DRA007014
biosample  SAMD00128097
sra-study  DRP004422
sra-experiment  DRX133247DRX133248
distribution JSONJSON-LD
DRA007014.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2018-06-13T06:06:04+09:00
dateModified 2018-10-03T22:02:44+09:00
datePublished 2018-10-03T22:02:44+09:00