home > sra-sample > DRS107348
identifier DRS107348
type sra-sample
organism mollusc metagenome
collection_date  2017
env_feature  Syphon homogenates
bioproject_id  PRJDB8702
project_name  Meta-genome sequences from the environment of diseased otter clams, Lutraria rhynchaena, in a farm of Vietnam
sample_title  eDNA from syphon of Lutraria rhynchaena
env_material  Syphon homogenates
host  Lutraria rhynchaena
geo_loc_name  Farms at Hai Phong, Quang Ninh, and Khanh Hoa provinces in Vietnam
env_biome  Syphon homogenates
lat_lon  not applicable
sample_name  eDNA
bioproject  PRJDB8702
sra-run  DRR190706
sra-submission  DRA008913
biosample  SAMD00184113
sra-study  DRP005419
sra-experiment  DRX181170
distribution JSONJSON-LD
DRA008913.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2019-07-31T09:01:48+09:00
dateModified 2019-09-05T22:05:59+09:00
datePublished 2019-09-05T22:05:59+09:00