home > sra-sample > ERS009046
identifier ERS009046
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA788927
organism Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium
ENA first public  2011-02-14
ENA last update  2015-07-27
External Id  SAMEA788927
INSDC center alias  SC
INSDC center name  Wellcome Sanger Institute
INSDC first public  2011-02-14T17:17:35Z
INSDC last update  2015-07-27T09:17:17Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  270DRC-sc-2010-05-07-42490
collection date  1991
geographic location (country and/or sea)  Democratic Republic of the Congo
host health state  disease
isolation source  blood
pubmed id  23023330
sample name  270DRC-sc-2010-05-07-42490
serovar  Typhimurium
specific host  Homo sapiens
strain  270DRC
sub_species  enterica
bioproject  PRJEB2059
sra-run  ERR024796
sra-submission  ERA015854
biosample  SAMEA788927
sra-study  ERP000113
sra-experiment  ERX2006629
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA015854.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2011-02-15T00:08:11Z
dateModified 2021-09-26T08:03:44Z
datePublished 2011-02-15T00:22:39Z