home > sra-sample > ERS013009
identifier ERS013009
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA767602
organism Homo sapiens
ATCC(R) Number  CRL-2338(TM)
ENA first public  2010-11-15
ENA last update  2018-03-08
External Id  SAMEA767602
INSDC center alias  INCTC
INSDC center name  National Institute of Science and Technology in Stem Cell and Cell Therapy, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
INSDC first public  2010-11-15T16:21:13Z
INSDC last update  2018-03-08T15:25:04Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  HCC1954
common name  human
sample name  HCC1954
bioproject  PRJEB2210PRJEB2345
sra-run  ERR015688ERR015689ERR015690ERR015691ERR015692ERR015693ERR015694ERR015695ERR015696ERR015697 More
sra-submission  ERA010917ERA011762ERA015355
biosample  SAMEA767602
sra-study  ERP000265ERP000418
sra-experiment  ERX006054ERX006055ERX006056ERX006057ERX006058ERX006059ERX006060ERX006061ERX006062ERX006573 More
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA015355.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2010-11-18T20:22:05Z
dateModified 2021-09-25T19:20:52Z
datePublished 2010-11-18T20:34:17Z