home > sra-sample > ERS016118
identifier ERS016118
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA890253
organism Homo sapiens subsp. 'Denisova'
Alias  DenisovaTooth
Bone ID  Denisova 4 molar
Description  Denisova Tooth
INSDC center name  MPI-EVA
INSDC first public  2010-12-22T00:00:21Z
INSDC last update  2013-11-04T20:04:43Z
INSDC status  public
SRA accession  ERS016118
Sample Name  ERS016118
Title  Denisova Tooth
amount or size of sample collected  50mg
collection date  2008
geographic location (altitude/elevation)  ~697
geographic location (country and/or sea,region)  Russian Federation:Altaysky Kray,Soloneshensky Rayon
geographic location (depth)  1.7 +/- 0.3
geographic location (latitude and longitude)  51.398 N 84.675 E
nucleic acid amplification  Taq Polymerase, Phusion Polymerase
nucleic acid extraction  silica extraction
sub_species  'Denisova'
bioproject  PRJEB2263
sra-run  ERR019690
sra-submission  ERA014186
biosample  SAMEA890253
sra-study  ERP000318
sra-experiment  ERX007971
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA014186.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2010-12-23T00:03:19Z
dateModified 2019-01-24T20:59:09Z
datePublished 2010-12-23T00:05:18Z