home > sra-sample > ERS1034557
identifier ERS1034557
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA3727408
organism Homo sapiens
ENA first public  2016-07-06
ENA last update  2016-01-19
External Id  SAMEA3727408
INSDC center alias  UOM
INSDC center name  University of Manchester
INSDC first public  2016-07-06T17:01:46Z
INSDC last update  2016-01-19T12:06:04Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  E-MTAB-4304:Patient_2_PLC
age  69
broker name  ArrayExpress
common name  human
disease  osteoarthritis of the knee
modified mankin score  9
organism part  cartilage
patient number  2
phenotype  Intact
sample name  E-MTAB-4304:Patient_2_PLC
sequencing date  03/05/2014
sex  male
bioproject  PRJEB12436
sra-run  ERR1223327
sra-submission  ERA553598
biosample  SAMEA3727408
sra-study  ERP013914
sra-experiment  ERX1295537
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA553598.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-07-12T14:23:12Z
dateModified 2021-09-24T01:04:03Z
datePublished 2016-07-12T15:27:14Z