home > sra-sample > ERS1215962
identifier ERS1215962
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA4044852
organism human gut metagenome
ENA first public  2016-06-22
ENA last update  2016-06-22
External Id  SAMEA4044852
INSDC center alias  UCSDMI
INSDC center name  University of California San Diego Microbiome Initiative
INSDC first public  2016-06-22T17:01:48Z
INSDC last update  2016-06-22T01:20:09Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  qiita_sid_10249:10249.C035.12SS
abx_all_sources  0
antiexposedall  n
collection_timestamp  3/19/14
day of life  334
delivery  Vaginal
diet  bd
diet_2  bd
diet_2_month  bd_11
diet_3  eb
dna_extracted  true
elevation  33
env biome  urban biome
env feature  human-associated habitat
geo loc name  USA:NY,NYC
host subject id  35
latitude  40.742
longitude  -73.974
mom_child  C
mom_ld_abx  false
mom_prenatal_abx  false
month  11
month_of_life  11
physical_specimen_location  NYUMC
physical_specimen_remaining  true
run_prefix_prep  SeqRun4
sample name  qiita_sid_10249:10249.C035.12SS
sample summary  Vaginal.bd.n.0
sample type  Stool_Stabilizer
sampletype  Stool_Stabilizer
sex  male
studyid  35
bioproject  PRJEB14529
sra-run  ERR1467530
sra-submission  ERA655281
biosample  SAMEA4044852
sra-study  ERP016173
sra-experiment  ERX1538655
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA655281.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-06-23T09:27:34Z
dateModified 2021-09-24T09:07:31Z
datePublished 2016-06-24T02:04:00Z