home > sra-sample > ERS1257231
identifier ERS1257231
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA4345782
organism fish metagenome
ENA first public  2016-07-18
ENA last update  2016-07-18
External Id  SAMEA4345782
INSDC center alias  UCSDMI
INSDC center name  University of California San Diego Microbiome Initiative
INSDC first public  2016-07-18T17:01:25Z
INSDC last update  2016-07-18T00:44:23Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  qiita_sid_940:940.RD.27.Ventral
altitude  0
anonymized name  RD.27.Ventral
assigned_from_geo  false
body habitat  UBERON:skin
body product  UBERON:mucus
body site  UBERON:skin
collection_timestamp  09/16/2011
common name  fish metagenome
country  GAZ:United States of America
depth  0
dna_extracted  true
elevation  1404.508
env biome  freshwater biome
env feature  animal-associated habitat
env matter  mucus
env package  host-associated
env_material  mucus
geo loc name  USA:CO
host common name  Flannelmouth sucker
host scientific name  Catostomus
host subject id  RD.27
host taxid  7969
latitude  39.03
life stage  adult
longitude  -108.56
physical_specimen_location  UCSDMI
physical_specimen_remaining  true
public  true
required_sample_info_status  completed
sample name  qiita_sid_940:940.RD.27.Ventral
sample type  mucus
bioproject  PRJEB14822
sra-run  ERR1538510
sra-submission  ERA675856
biosample  SAMEA4345782
sra-study  ERP016495
sra-experiment  ERX1609338
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA675856.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-07-19T11:54:40Z
dateModified 2021-09-24T10:26:52Z
datePublished 2016-07-19T13:31:15Z