home > sra-sample > ERS1269559
identifier ERS1269559
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA4358110
organism human vaginal metagenome
ENA first public  2016-07-29
ENA last update  2016-07-27
External Id  SAMEA4358110
INSDC center alias  UCSDMI
INSDC center name  University of California San Diego Microbiome Initiative
INSDC first public  2016-07-29T17:01:15Z
INSDC last update  2016-07-27T07:19:35Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  qiita_sid_2024:2024.visit4.MNIH58N.BFE113.V
adult_infant  adult
age  18
age unit  years
altitude  0
anonymized name  MNIH58N
antibiotic  2
assigned_from_geo  true
bmi  22.29
body habitat  UBERON:genito-urinary system
body product  UBERON:mucus
body site  UBERON:vagina
bv_results  n
collection_timestamp  11/20/2012
comments  Taking Ferrous Sulphate and given Erythromycin
common name  vagina metagenome
compliance  nan
country  Tanzania: GAZ
date extracted  10.25.13
date_delivery  Missing: Not collected
depth  0
dna_extracted  true
dob  *.*.94
elevation  1147
env biome  dense settlement biome
env feature  hospital
env matter  mucus
env package  host-associated
env_material  mucus
est_delivery  1.24.13
fetal_hb  130
fetal_movement_24h  1
fetal_presentation  4
fundal_size  26
gestation_time  Missing: Not recorded
has_extracted_data  true
has_physical_specimen  true
head_circumference_2  Missing: Not recorded
head_circumfrence_1  Missing: Not recorded
head_circumfrence_2  nan
height or length  1.52
hemoglobin  114
history_cong  Missing: Not recorded
history_sub_fert  Missing: Not recorded
hiv  nan
host common name  human
host scientific name  Homo sapiens
host subject id  MNIH58N
host taxid  9606
ideal_weight  MIssing: Not provided
last_period  MIssing: Not provided
latitude  2.75
length_infant_1  MIssing: Not provided
length_infant_2  MIssing: Not provided
lims  BFE113
live births  MIssing: Not provided
living_children  MIssing: Not provided
longitude  32.75
malaria  2
molar_preg  MIssing: Not provided
muac_infant_1  MIssing: Not provided
muac_infant_2  MIssing: Not provided
muac_mm  240
nausea  MIssing: Not provided
norm_fetal_mov  1
nourishment_status_group  undernourished
nugent score  3
ob_complications  MIssing: Not provided
other_ob_history  MIssing: Not provided
perc_dev  MIssing: Not provided
physical samp avail now  true
physical_location  UWO
physical_specimen_location  UWO
physical_specimen_remaining  false
place_delivery  MIssing: Not provided
prev_pregnancies  MIssing: Not provided
public  false
pulse  MIssing: Not provided
required_sample_info_status  completed
resp_rate  MIssing: Not provided
sample name  qiita_sid_2024:2024.visit4.MNIH58N.BFE113.V
sample type  vaginal
sex  female
spon_abortions  MIssing: Not provided
still_births  MIssing: Not provided
stool_parasite  1
syph  2
time_delivery  MIssing: Not provided
tot_mass  51.5
urine_bilirubin  0
urine_blood  0
urine_haemolysis  Missing: Not reported
urine_ketone  0
urine_leukocyte  500
urine_nitrite  0
urine_ph  7
urine_protein  0
urine_spec_grav  1.02
urine_sugar  0
urine_urobilinogen  0
vag_delivery  MIssing: Not provided
vaginal_csection  MIssing: Not provided
vaginal_ph  4
well location  F4
well_plate  H
bioproject  PRJEB14941
sra-run  ERR1551029
sra-submission  ERA678400
biosample  SAMEA4358110
sra-study  ERP016621
sra-experiment  ERX1621799
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA678400.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-07-30T12:51:47Z
dateModified 2021-09-24T11:01:09Z
datePublished 2016-07-30T13:25:11Z