home > sra-sample > ERS1296719
identifier ERS1296719
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA4385270
organism plant metagenome
ENA first public  2016-08-21
ENA last update  2016-08-17
External Id  SAMEA4385270
INSDC center alias  UCSDMI
INSDC center name  University of California San Diego Microbiome Initiative
INSDC first public  2016-08-21T17:01:18Z
INSDC last update  2016-08-17T21:54:29Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  qiita_sid_10248:10248.DACA.4.10
age  88
age units  days
altitude  0
ammonium_units  ug/mL
anonymized name  DACA_4.10
assigned_from_geo  true
bacterial_diversity  3
bodo_sp  34298
bodo_sp_units  per mL
center_name  Berkeley
center_project_name  Armitage pitcher plants
chilomonas  0
chilomonas_units  per mL
chlamydomonas  0
chlamydomonas_units  per mL
collection_timestamp  09/09/2013
colpoda  0
colpoda_units  per mL
common name  plant metagenome
country  GAZ:United States of America
dna_extracted  true
dry_mass_pitcher  4.38
elevation  1174.582764
env biome  fresh water
env feature  pool
env matter  eutrophic water
env package  plant-associated
env_material  eutrophic water
experiment_design_description  timeseries study of pitcher plants
extracted DNA avail now  true
geo loc name  USA:CA,Quincy
has_physical_specimen  true
host common name  pitcher plant
host scientific name  Darlingtonia californica
host subject id  DACA_4.10
host taxid  4355
instrument model  Illumina HiSeq 2000
labeled_15n_residence  22
labeled_15n_residence_units  days
latitude  39.985619
library construction protocol  Illumina HiSeq 515f, 806r amplification of 16SrRNA V4
linker  GT
log_lower  25.08255866
log_mean_bact  25.16275267
log_mean_virus  24.48263499
log_upper  25.24287797
longitude  -120.987003
lower_95_ci_perct_bact  78201812676
lower_95_ci_perct_virus  38328962906
mean_bact  84731449367
mean_bact_units  ind per mil
mean_viruses  42921340745
midge_total  105
mite_total  0
monas  0
monas_units  per mL
nitrate_units  ug/mL
petalomonas  4900
petalomonas_units  per mL
phosphate_units  ug/mL
physical samp avail now  true
physical_specimen_location  UC Berkeley
physical_specimen_remaining  false
platform  Illumina
polytoma  0
polytoma_units  per mL
polytomella  86561
polytomella_units  per mL
public  true
required_sample_info_status  completed
respiration  29.687
respiration_units  ug CO2-C/mg/day
rhynchobodo  376050
rhynchobodo_units  per mL
rotifer  0
rotifer_units  per mL
run center  ANL
run date  10/1/14
run prefix  141021_AMP4_NoIndex_L004
sample name  qiita_sid_10248:10248.DACA.4.10
sample number  40
sample site  Blackhawk Creek, Plumas National Forest, Quincy, CA
sample type  eutrophic water
sequencing_meth  Sequencing by synthesis
target gene  16S rRNA
target subfragment  V4
upper_95_ci_perct_bact  91799984543
upper_95_ci_perct_virus  48054841438
virus_bacteria_ratio  0.506557377
well  D4
bioproject  PRJEB15177
sra-run  ERR1589974
sra-submission  ERA690441
biosample  SAMEA4385270
sra-study  ERP016882
sra-experiment  ERX1660562
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA690441.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-08-22T09:14:50Z
dateModified 2021-09-24T11:42:58Z
datePublished 2016-08-23T21:08:11Z