home > sra-sample > ERS1404417
identifier ERS1404417
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA4505238
organism human reproductive system metagenome
ENA first public  2016-12-12
ENA last update  2016-10-21
External Id  SAMEA4505238
INSDC center alias  BGI
INSDC center name  Beijing Genome Institute
INSDC first public  2016-12-12T11:05:37Z
INSDC last update  2016-10-21T09:40:31Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  T071PF
collection date  2014
environment (biome)  female-peritoneal fluid
environment (feature)  human-associated habitat
environment (material)  peritoneal fluid
geographic location (country and/or sea)  China
geographic location (latitude)  22.5537717
geographic location (longitude)  114.0871167
host-associated environmental package  host-associated
investigation type  metagenome
project name  A Continuum of Microbiota in the Female Reproductive Tract
sample name  T071PF
sequencing method  Ion Torrent PGM
bioproject  PRJEB16013
sra-run  ERR1684261
sra-submission  ERA733051
biosample  SAMEA4505238
sra-study  ERP017854
sra-experiment  ERX1753878
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA733051.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2016-12-13T17:46:11Z
dateModified 2021-09-24T13:44:12Z
datePublished 2016-12-13T18:21:12Z