home > sra-sample > ERS1826202
identifier ERS1826202
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA104167184
organism Nocardiopsis dassonvillei
ArrayExpress-SPECIES  Nocardiopsis dassonvillei
ENA first public  2017-11-09
ENA last update  2018-05-24
External Id  SAMEA104167184
INSDC center alias  SC
INSDC center name  Wellcome Sanger Institute
INSDC first public  2017-11-09T17:04:37Z
INSDC last update  2018-05-24T10:20:24Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  ffc2fca0-55c0-11e7-8660-3c4a9275d6c8
anonymized name  3012STDY6981850
collection date  1900/1953
common name  Nocardiopsis dassonvillei
culture collection  NCTC:10488
host status  not available: to be reported later
isolation source  not available: to be reported later
sample name  ffc2fca0-55c0-11e7-8660-3c4a9275d6c8
serovar  not available: to be reported later
specific host  not available
strain  NCTC10488
subject id  3012STDY6981850
supplier_name  NCTC10488_200617
type-material  type strain of Nocardiopsis dassonvillei
bioproject  PRJEB6403
sra-run  ERR2192968
sra-submission  ERA1127818
biosample  SAMEA104167184
sra-study  ERP005928
sra-experiment  ERX2249083
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA1127818.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2017-11-14T13:39:20Z
dateModified 2021-09-01T04:34:48Z
datePublished 2017-11-14T14:22:17Z