home > sra-sample > ERS211191
identifier ERS211191
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA2048181
organism metagenome
ENA first public  2014-03-31
ENA last update  2018-03-09
External Id  SAMEA2048181
INSDC center alias  CSISP
INSDC center name  Center for Public Health Research, University of Valencia
INSDC first public  2014-03-31T17:01:55Z
INSDC last update  2018-03-09T10:07:55Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  metagenomeE7_D
collection date  2010-06-14
environment (biome)  Human-associated biome
environment (feature)  Human-associated habitat
environment (material)  Feces
environmental package  human-gut
geographic location (countryand/orsea,region)  Germany
geographic location (latitude)  52.516
geographic location (longitude)  13.4
investigation type  metagenome
project name  Antibiotics and human intestinal microbiota
sample name  metagenomeE7_D
sequencing method  pyrosequencing
bioproject  PRJEB1389
sra-run  ERR225966
sra-submission  ERA193350
biosample  SAMEA2048181
sra-study  ERP002192
sra-experiment  ERX200625
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA193350.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2014-05-06T17:24:06Z
dateModified 2021-09-04T23:24:44Z
datePublished 2014-05-14T16:38:20Z