home > sra-sample > ERS2852417
identifier ERS2852417
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA5040675
organism Cannabis sativa
ENA first public  2018-10-29
ENA last update  2018-10-22
External Id  SAMEA5040675
INSDC center alias  HARVARD OEB
INSDC center name  HARVARD OEB
INSDC first public  2018-10-29T17:03:19Z
INSDC last update  2018-10-22T21:04:11Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  CBDRx:18:580
ancestral data  Cherry
collected by  Matthew Gibbs
collection date  2017-08-17
common name  hemp
estimated size  820000000
genotype  CBDRx:18:580
geographic location (country and/or sea)  USA
geographic location (latitude)  40.172633
geographic location (longitude)  -105.169351
geographic location (region and locality)  5RFJ+37 Longmont, Colorado
growth facility  other
isolation and growth condition  10.5281/zenodo.1468941
number of replicons  10
organism common name  High-CBD Cannabis
plant developmental stage  adult
plant growth medium  soil
plant sex  female
plant structure  leaf
ploidy  2
propagation  asexual
sample name  CBDRx:18:580
source material identifiers  CBDRx:18:580
subspecific genetic lineage name  CBDRx-18
subspecific genetic lineage rank  Cultivar
bioproject  PRJEB29284
sra-run  ERR3850862ERR3850903ERR3850904ERR3850929ERR3850930ERR3850931ERR3850932ERR3850933
sra-submission  ERA2360054ERA2360058ERA2360064ERA2360086
biosample  SAMEA5040675
sra-study  ERP111578
sra-experiment  ERX3863298ERX3863339ERX3863340ERX3863365ERX3863366ERX3863367ERX3863368ERX3863369
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA2360086.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2018-10-30T16:32:50Z
dateModified 2021-09-27T14:53:54Z
datePublished 2018-10-30T17:27:20Z