home > sra-sample > ERS3363411
identifier ERS3363411
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA5561378
organism Canis lupus familiaris
Alias  LA1664
Description  healthy control dog. nasal skin,biopsy from the nose, non-lesional area, yellow coat color
ENA checklist  ERC000011
INSDC center alias  UNIBE-IG
INSDC center name  Institute of Genetics, University of Bern, Switzerland
INSDC first public  2019-04-10T04:03:03Z
INSDC last update  2019-04-09T21:24:00Z
INSDC status  public
SRA accession  ERS3363411
Sample Name  ERS3363411
Title  Labrador Retrievers
sub_species  familiaris
bioproject  PRJEB32103
sra-run  ERR3274936
sra-submission  ERA1825582
biosample  SAMEA5561378
sra-study  ERP114741
sra-experiment  ERX3301809
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA1825582.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2019-04-11T11:49:28Z
dateModified 2019-04-26T00:03:52Z
datePublished 2019-04-17T13:23:51Z