home > sra-sample > ERS744798
identifier ERS744798
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA3446347
organism Escherichia marmotae
ENA first public  2015-09-03
ENA last update  2020-07-31
External Id  SAMEA3446347
INSDC center alias  SC
INSDC center name  Wellcome Sanger Institute
INSDC first public  2015-09-03T09:51:10Z
INSDC last update  2020-07-31T00:40:16Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  NCTC8196-sc-2314179
anonymized name  3012STDY6123386
collection date  1950
common name  Escherichia coli
country  United Kingdom: London
culture collection  NCTC:8196
host status  not available: to be reported later
isolation source  not available: to be reported later
sample name  NCTC8196-sc-2314179
serovar  O103:K?:H-
specific host  not available
strain  NCTC8196
supplier_name  NCTC8196_050615
bioproject  PRJEB6403
sra-run  ERR1140953ERR1193256ERR999918
sra-submission  ERA535257ERA546307ERA475244
biosample  SAMEA3446347
sra-study  ERP005928
sra-experiment  ERX1219802ERX1266640ERX1078954
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA475244.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2015-09-04T08:46:05Z
dateModified 2021-08-28T18:16:51Z
datePublished 2015-09-04T08:46:05Z