home > sra-sample > ERS877527
identifier ERS877527
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA3570378
organism human gut metagenome
ENA first public  2015-10-04
ENA last update  2018-03-09
External Id  SAMEA3570378
INSDC center alias  UCSDMI
INSDC center name  University of California San Diego Microbiome Initiative
INSDC first public  2015-10-04T17:01:05Z
INSDC last update  2018-03-09T13:32:28Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  qiime_ppdid_586:10288.000029266
acne medication  false
acne_medication_otc  false
add_adhd  I do not have this condition
age years  5
alcohol_frequency  Never
alcohol_types_beer_cider  true
alcohol_types_red_wine  false
alcohol_types_sour_beers  false
alcohol_types_spirits_hard_alcohol  false
alcohol_types_unspecified  false
alcohol_types_white_wine  false
allergic to i have no food allergies that i know of  true
allergic_to_other  false
allergic_to_peanuts  false
allergic_to_shellfish  false
allergic_to_tree_nuts  false
allergic_to_unspecified  false
altitude  0
alzheimers  I do not have this condition
anonymized name  29266
antibiotic_select  Year
appendix_removed  No
asd  I do not have this condition
assigned_from_geo  true
autoimmune  I do not have this condition
birth year  2011
bmi  13.94980984
body habitat  UBERON:feces
body product  UBERON:feces
body site  UBERON:feces
bowel_movement_frequency  Two
bowel_movement_quality  I tend to have normal formed stool
breastmilk_formula_ensure  No
cardiovascular_disease  I do not have this condition
cat  false
cdiff  I do not have this condition
chickenpox  No
clinical condition  I do not have this condition
collection date  7/8/15 0:00
collection_timestamp  7/8/15 0:00
common name  human gut metagenome
conditions_medication  false
consume_animal_products_abx  Yes
contraceptive  No
cosmetics_frequency  Never
country  USA
country of birth  United States
csection  No
deodorant_use  I do not use deodorant or an antiperspirant
depression_bipolar_schizophrenia  I do not have this condition
depth  0
diabetes  I do not have this condition
diet type  Omnivore
dna_extracted  true
dog  false
drinking_water_source  Bottled
elevation  160.5
env biome  ENVO:dense settlement biome
env feature  ENVO:human-associated habitat
env matter  ENVO:feces
epilepsy_or_seizure_disorder  I do not have this condition
exercise_location  Outdoors
fed_as_infant  A mixture of breast milk and formula
fermented_plant_frequency  Never
flossing_frequency  Rarely (a few times/month)
flu_vaccine_date  Year
frozen_desert_frequency  Rarely (less than once/week)
fruit_frequency  Rarely (less than once/week)
fungal_overgrowth  I do not have this condition
gluten  No
hand  I am right handed
has_physical_specimen  true
height cm  106.68
height or length  106.68
height_units  centimeters
high_fat_red_meat_frequency  Rarely (less than once/week)
homecooked_meals_frequency  Regularly (3-5 times/week)
host subject id  5c2d82a61bc26fdf8d4f695837312c34
host taxid  9606
ibd  I do not have this condition
ibs  I do not have this condition
kidney_disease  I do not have this condition
lactose  false
last_move  I have lived in my current state of residence for more than a year.
last_travel  I have not been outside of my country of residence in the past year.
latitude  32.8
liver_disease  I do not have this condition
livingwith  Yes
longitude  -96.8
lowgrain_diet_type  false
lung disease  I do not have this condition
meat_eggs_frequency  Daily
migraine  I do not have this condition
milk_cheese_frequency  Rarely (less than once/week)
milk_substitute_frequency  Never
multivitamin  true
nail  false
non_food_allergies_beestings  false
non_food_allergies_drug__e_g__penicillin_  false
non_food_allergies_pet_dander  false
non_food_allergies_poison_ivy_oak  false
non_food_allergies_sun  false
non_food_allergies_unspecified  true
olive_oil  Rarely (less than once/week)
other_supplement_frequency  false
physical_sample_location  UCSDMI
physical_specimen_location  UCSDMI
physical_specimen_remaining  true
pku  I do not have this condition
pool_frequency  Regularly (3-5 times/week)
poultry_frequency  Regularly (3-5 times/week)
pregnant  No
prepared_meals_frequency  Regularly (3-5 times/week)
probiotic_frequency  Regularly (3-5 times/week)
public  true
race  Caucasian
ready_to_eat_meals_frequency  Occasionally (1-2 times/week)
red_meat_frequency  Occasionally (1-2 times/week)
required_sample_info_status  completed
roommates_in_study  No
salted_snacks_frequency  Daily
sample name  qiime_ppdid_586:10288.000029266
sample type  Stool
seafood_frequency  Occasionally (1-2 times/week)
seasonal_allergies  true
sex  male
sibo  I do not have this condition
skin_condition  I do not have this condition
sleep_duration  8 or more hours
smoking_frequency  Never
softener  false
special_restrictions  false
state  TX
sugar_sweetened_drink_frequency  Daily
sugary_sweets_frequency  Never
survey_id  b688051d9ed8426f
teethbrushing_frequency  Daily
thyroid  I do not have this condition
tonsils_removed  No
tot_mass  15.87575183
types_of_plants  Never
vegetable_frequency  Never
vitamin_b_supplement_frequency  Regularly (3-5 times/week)
vitamin_d_supplement_frequency  Remained stable
weight_change  15.87575183
weight_units  kilograms
whole_eggs  Regularly (3-5 times/week)
whole_grain_frequency  Regularly (3-5 times/week)
willing_to_be_contacted  true
bioproject  PRJEB11170
sra-run  ERR1040300
sra-submission  ERA500968
biosample  SAMEA3570378
sra-study  ERP012511
sra-experiment  ERX1119772
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA500968.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2015-10-05T18:24:17Z
dateModified 2021-09-23T12:38:33Z
datePublished 2015-10-22T17:30:43Z