home > sra-sample > SRS071994
identifier SRS071994
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMN00023817
organism human metagenome
gap_accession  phs000262
submitter handle  HMP_GutUC
biospecimen repository  HMP_GutUC
study name  The Role of the Gut Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis
study design  Prospective Longitudinal Cohort
biospecimen repository sample id  UC20020005E
submitted sample id  UC20020005E
submitted subject id  UC200200
gap_sample_id  275814
gap_subject_id  276567
host_sex  male
study disease  Pouchitis
isolation_source  Pouch
histological type  Biopsy
analyte type  DNA
is tumor  Yes
subject is affected  Yes
molecular data type  16s rRNA (NGS)
gap_consent_code  1
gap_consent_short_name  HMP
bioproject  PRJNA50637
sra-run  SRR064058SRR064059SRR064060SRR064076SRR064077SRR064078SRR064879SRR064880SRR5548075SRR5548076
sra-submission  SRA020997SRA021020SRA561695
biosample  SAMN00023817
sra-study  SRP002427
sra-experiment  SRX025649SRX025650SRX025651SRX025667SRX025668SRX025669SRX026200SRX026201SRX2815859SRX2815860
distribution JSONJSON-LD
SRA561695.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility controlled-access
dateCreated 2010-05-07T14:21:40Z
dateModified 2017-10-27T04:18:20Z
datePublished 2010-05-07T14:22:26Z