home > sra-sample > SRS453906
identifier SRS453906
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMN02209972
organism Oryza sativa
collection date  2010-06
geographic location (country and/or sea,region)  South Korea: Suwon
age  60 days
body site  Leaf
subspecific genetic lineage  Indica
cell line  Tongil
cell type  Leaf
specimen_voucher  SNU: 260697
development stage  tillering
sample type  tissue sample
biomaterial_provider  Seoul National University and RDA
tissue type  Leaf
subgroup  Indica
isolate  tri-parental cross breeding b/w indica and japonica
label  Tongil
isolation source  IR8//Yukara/TN1
bioproject  PRJNA208423
sra-run  SRR923809SRR923810
sra-submission  SRA091750
biosample  SAMN02209972
sra-study  SRP026373
sra-experiment  SRX316589SRX316590
distribution JSONJSON-LD
SRA091750.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2013-06-28T01:38:10Z
dateModified 2021-02-28T08:26:50Z
datePublished 2013-06-28T01:38:10Z