home > sra-sample > ERS055637
identifier ERS055637
type sra-sample
biosample  SAMEA1031277
organism Escherichia coli
ENA first public  2012-02-07
ENA last update  2018-03-09
External Id  SAMEA1031277
INSDC center alias  SC
INSDC center name  Wellcome Sanger Institute
INSDC first public  2012-02-07T09:15:50Z
INSDC last update  2018-03-09T13:32:52Z
INSDC status  public
Submitter Id  Escherichia_coli_E_1750-sc-2011-09-22T20:38:03Z-1280523
collected by  University of Gothenburg
collection date  2002
country  Bangladesh
host status  Diseased
isolation source  feces
pmid  25383970
sample name  Escherichia_coli_E_1750-sc-2011-09-22T20:38:03Z-1280523
serovar  O115
specific host  Homo sapiens
strain  1750
supplier_name  University of Gothenburg
bioproject  PRJEB2581
sra-run  ERR084481
sra-submission  ERA087394
biosample  SAMEA1031277
sra-study  ERP000733
sra-experiment  ERX062247
distribution JSONJSON-LD
ERA087394.sample.xml  HTTPS FTP
status public
visibility unrestricted-access
dateCreated 2012-02-10T01:56:21Z
dateModified 2021-08-31T15:02:27Z
datePublished 2012-02-10T02:16:27Z